Online on msn now =DD Talking to Nini and sending her pics of Kusu Island trip... How slow am I? =DD Hehe... So sian now, still can't use FB and still on the 1-hour-computer-time-slot!! =(( Today was Teacher's Day! So funnnnnn~ The prefects and band did a goooooood performance =DD Band (JOEY!!!!) did STOMP! Which was sooooo good... But kinda long =D At one point they actually sang (?) Nobody! Hehehehhe... so cute!
My fringe is kinda irritating me! =( Feel like chopping it off! But i won't =DD Hehe.. Dunno what to do... waiting for Nini to accept all the photos then i guess I log off liao =D Hehe... Lazy to talk to anyone... Gotta go now =D Ta!
Ps. I wan to wish all the teachers who taught me (including Mr and Mrs Ho and teachers from last semester) a HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!!!
**Still that long-leged freak!
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
HellO! =DD So bored right now.... Allowed to use the comp for an hour... Cause i'm still grounded... Anyway, finishing my use of comp at 2... So sian... Gotta go now... Chat chat with ppl now... TA!
Ps. Get Well Soon KOR!! =DD
Ps. Get Well Soon KOR!! =DD
Friday, August 28, 2009
Get well SOON!
Hello! I can use the computer now for MSN only... But i just come blog alittle while =DD hehe.. =DD Anyway, can't play Facebook yet... So tempted to play now... But i am soooo not going to play =D
Poor Bryan... He fractured his hand? or wrist? Aiyah, anything la hor? Just tat he is in a cast... Poor poor guy... Can't play sports for 1 month.. Run somemore... Trip people somemore... What goes around comes around =DD Hehe... Not so evil lah hor? Anyway, hope he gets well soon =) Gotta go now... Ta!
You bloody long-legged freak!
Ps. This is my 88th post! Such a nice number!! =D
Poor Bryan... He fractured his hand? or wrist? Aiyah, anything la hor? Just tat he is in a cast... Poor poor guy... Can't play sports for 1 month.. Run somemore... Trip people somemore... What goes around comes around =DD Hehe... Not so evil lah hor? Anyway, hope he gets well soon =) Gotta go now... Ta!
You bloody long-legged freak!
Ps. This is my 88th post! Such a nice number!! =D
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
DANG! Grounded =D Mummy put ppassword on the computer so when i need to use must ask her =DD Hehe... Failed 3 Subjects!!! Can't believe i failed Maths! =( Sian... Wah lao, how much longer do i need to wait to do Geog CT??? Was suppose to do Tuesday but Miss Siti can't find the paper... Doing today but got the CO photo taking so Qing Huang and Aaron did the paper first... So left me alone to do it... By the time I was about to go Bio Lab I saw them coming out... Then when i go to the lab no one was there!! OMG! So irritating... So i tried calling Miss SIti... (Both on extension and Handphone...) But she didn't pick up so I went home first... Tomorrow go school ask miss siti can retest after school... So mah fun... SIAN!!!
Msn-ing now with Andrea =D Hehe... Long time never online Facebook, so bored... Got grounded which means I can't use the comp (1 hour everyday) and can't go out with the girls... So boring... I wonder why nowadays there are no homework from school... Maybe tomorrow will have cos got Miss Isma lesson... ANyway, I gotta go do english now =DD Byeeeee~
Ps. Maybe the last time I'm gonna post... =D Hehe... Ta!
Msn-ing now with Andrea =D Hehe... Long time never online Facebook, so bored... Got grounded which means I can't use the comp (1 hour everyday) and can't go out with the girls... So boring... I wonder why nowadays there are no homework from school... Maybe tomorrow will have cos got Miss Isma lesson... ANyway, I gotta go do english now =DD Byeeeee~
Ps. Maybe the last time I'm gonna post... =D Hehe... Ta!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Kusu Island and THE Barrage!!!
HellO! Back after such a horrible sickness! I just hate Stomach Flu... All those who actually had that might have hated it too =D haha... Everytime i;m sick it would be stomach flu... Sian lor... Anyway, thanks for all those concern when i was sickkk... =D THANKS! I LOVE YOU~~~ =DD Heheh... ** Mushy.. Eeeee =DD
Was kinda happy that I went back to school... Enough time to catxh up on school work and also kinda fun with everyone screaming and playing =DD Hehe.. Wah lao, during class, I was like cramming for Geog and D&T paper in my small tiny, fragile head then when reach there Miss Isma tell me Geog not today! WWAH LAO!!! I was like freaking angry with Qing Huang lah! He could have told me Geog not today rigth? Maybe he also dunno... Aiyah! Fed-up lah... But went out with Andrea, Aidah, Kulvin and Nini =DD Had girl fun... Bought plenty of sweets for the 2B pack!! Weeeeee~ Hehe... Excited =DD Yeah... Going to bring camera to take lots of pictures!! Wooooo~ WoooooO~ Woooo~ Going Kusu Island and Marina Barrage tmr!!! Hehehehhehe... Excited =D Going to give the guys a very very very very very hard time tmr... Make all the girls take pics of them!!! HEHEHEHEHHEHEH! Evil little Melissa! Tats me! Byeeeeee~
Currently listening To: Fire - 2ne1
Was kinda happy that I went back to school... Enough time to catxh up on school work and also kinda fun with everyone screaming and playing =DD Hehe.. Wah lao, during class, I was like cramming for Geog and D&T paper in my small tiny, fragile head then when reach there Miss Isma tell me Geog not today! WWAH LAO!!! I was like freaking angry with Qing Huang lah! He could have told me Geog not today rigth? Maybe he also dunno... Aiyah! Fed-up lah... But went out with Andrea, Aidah, Kulvin and Nini =DD Had girl fun... Bought plenty of sweets for the 2B pack!! Weeeeee~ Hehe... Excited =DD Yeah... Going to bring camera to take lots of pictures!! Wooooo~ WoooooO~ Woooo~ Going Kusu Island and Marina Barrage tmr!!! Hehehehhehe... Excited =D Going to give the guys a very very very very very hard time tmr... Make all the girls take pics of them!!! HEHEHEHEHHEHEH! Evil little Melissa! Tats me! Byeeeeee~
Currently listening To: Fire - 2ne1
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Ramen Girl
Feel like bloggin again =D Haha... Just watched Ramen Girl... So nice =D Mummy thinks it's a stupid show, well, i liked it... hehe... Msn-ing again.. Nothing much to do... now i really gotta study hard for Geog tmr... Hope i dun fail... =D Haha... Ppl who is suppose to be online now is offline! Hey! I thought we were suppose to be talking! No fair... Oh well, life's unfair i guess =DD Byeeeeeeee~
Currently Listening To: - Nothing -
Currently Listening To: - Nothing -
Maths and English Common test today.. Sian lor.. tmr is D & T and geog... My 2 most hated subjects! SHIT! =( Must go study now... SO tired i wanna sleep! Nights! =DD
Currently listening To: Emotion - Big Bang
Currently listening To: Emotion - Big Bang
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Just changed blogskin... =D Anyway, looks like everyone's blogger is working except mine! SHARKS! =DD And also common test tomorrow... So scared... =D Haha... Nothing really happen just that yesterday was soooo fun! Everyone was happy! I think i'm the happiest... Also dunno why... When with the cousins, i feel like I can actually be myself without ppl making fun of me... =DD (Maybe sometimes lah... =DD Hehe..) Later going out with all of them again! Hahahahahhaha... Gotta go now... Byeee~

Currently Listening To: Again & Again - 2PM (Wooooo!)

Currently Listening To: Again & Again - 2PM (Wooooo!)
Friday, August 14, 2009
I like half dead now... Going to fall asleep anytime.. Zzzzzz... Anyway, nothing really happened in shcool today, just tat Qing Huang made me say "sorry QH kor kor.." DAMN! =( Now he going to make me start calling him that... SHARKS! =( Anyway, after tat, we changed seats and tables for next week's common test... COming so fast! Haizz...
MAMJ (Melanie, Andrea, me and Joey) went to NorthPoint so have lunch... We ate at PastaMania and we had a good laugh and talk too! =DD Then we went to popular to buy notebook for maths and coloured pens =DD After that, went to BreadTalk to buy Pork Floss Bun for dua yi.. And up, AH en jie jie bluffing me! But dua yi ate it anyway.. While i bought the mini Chocolate Marble bread! SO yummy!! Hehhehehehe...
DOing my maths and facebook-ing but seriously going to fall asleep! SHARKS! Someone At dua yi house now... Weird ppl are screaming at the basketball court! Pissing me off... =D But fun lah! Using ah en jie jie laptop! Hahahaha! MAKE SPOIL!! WOOOO! JKJK... GOtta go now... Byeeeeee~
Ps. Good to know that Melanie understands what does Sex Slave means =DD
Melissa (BabyOwl [my lame msn name!] Haha...)
Currently Listening To: Haru Haru (Day by Day) - Big Bang [I love this song... SO sad the MV!]
MAMJ (Melanie, Andrea, me and Joey) went to NorthPoint so have lunch... We ate at PastaMania and we had a good laugh and talk too! =DD Then we went to popular to buy notebook for maths and coloured pens =DD After that, went to BreadTalk to buy Pork Floss Bun for dua yi.. And up, AH en jie jie bluffing me! But dua yi ate it anyway.. While i bought the mini Chocolate Marble bread! SO yummy!! Hehhehehehe...
DOing my maths and facebook-ing but seriously going to fall asleep! SHARKS! Someone At dua yi house now... Weird ppl are screaming at the basketball court! Pissing me off... =D But fun lah! Using ah en jie jie laptop! Hahahaha! MAKE SPOIL!! WOOOO! JKJK... GOtta go now... Byeeeeee~
Ps. Good to know that Melanie understands what does Sex Slave means =DD
Melissa (BabyOwl [my lame msn name!] Haha...)
Currently Listening To: Haru Haru (Day by Day) - Big Bang [I love this song... SO sad the MV!]
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Bear with me...
Sorry but you have to bear with me... But the tagboard doesn't match the skin so i think i will change it tomorrow... I know its an eyesore but bear WITH MEEEE!! =DD Thanks...
Just came back from school (actually, a while ago... Ate Mac and then go bathe... Now blogging =DD) suppose to be studying/homework-ing but i dun feel like at the moment... So after this, going to go TRY to do my chinese... haha...
School was ok... Chinese, was boring... As usual... After tat was Math.. Kinda boring too... Haha... After recess then fun... Lots of energy! Dunno where to channel so going all over the classroom... But not so hyper yet... =D Lit was next.... can't remember wad we did... seriously... Then it was Science go thru Ecology (my fav!Wooooo~) the after tat we go AVA room for the talk again... Miss Wong conduct =D (and i finally got miss wong to sign the notice board [ppl think i am lame...]Hehe...) The we got scolded by Mrs Sim... =D Miss Wong got angry and called a girl from 2A an airhead! She must be reallllll angry! =D After the talk... Sian.. Was assembly... Dun really know wad we going to do... Wasn't looking foward to it.. =D
So while I was walking up to the hall... Some IDIOT said i was the shortest girl in Asia... OH RIGHT! Pick on me but not the other shorter ones? (No offence to anyone out there...) COCK-EYE!! Assembly was funnnnn~ They had DJs from 91.3 to come to our school to talk... AAbout radio tat is... Duh! =DD So funny lor they 2... One call Boy Thunder, the other one called (can't remember the name Hehe...) so funny lor they 2... Very cute, very animated... I was laughing my ass of... Which wasn't a very normal thing for me to during assembly... They were like giving out free CDS!!! And I saw Keane's, Black Eyed Peas and Pussycat Dolls! SO cool!!! I bet they were also giving out Lady Gaga.. =D If the give out Big Bang one i sure run up on stage answer lor! =DD Hehe... I'm nuts!
I think i going do my homework now... Byeeeeee~
Ps. Melanie doesn't know the meaning of a sex slave and she thought it was good... hehehehehehe!
Currently Listening to: - Nothing -
School was ok... Chinese, was boring... As usual... After tat was Math.. Kinda boring too... Haha... After recess then fun... Lots of energy! Dunno where to channel so going all over the classroom... But not so hyper yet... =D Lit was next.... can't remember wad we did... seriously... Then it was Science go thru Ecology (my fav!Wooooo~) the after tat we go AVA room for the talk again... Miss Wong conduct =D (and i finally got miss wong to sign the notice board [ppl think i am lame...]Hehe...) The we got scolded by Mrs Sim... =D Miss Wong got angry and called a girl from 2A an airhead! She must be reallllll angry! =D After the talk... Sian.. Was assembly... Dun really know wad we going to do... Wasn't looking foward to it.. =D
So while I was walking up to the hall... Some IDIOT said i was the shortest girl in Asia... OH RIGHT! Pick on me but not the other shorter ones? (No offence to anyone out there...) COCK-EYE!! Assembly was funnnnn~ They had DJs from 91.3 to come to our school to talk... AAbout radio tat is... Duh! =DD So funny lor they 2... One call Boy Thunder, the other one called (can't remember the name Hehe...) so funny lor they 2... Very cute, very animated... I was laughing my ass of... Which wasn't a very normal thing for me to during assembly... They were like giving out free CDS!!! And I saw Keane's, Black Eyed Peas and Pussycat Dolls! SO cool!!! I bet they were also giving out Lady Gaga.. =D If the give out Big Bang one i sure run up on stage answer lor! =DD Hehe... I'm nuts!
I think i going do my homework now... Byeeeeee~
Ps. Melanie doesn't know the meaning of a sex slave and she thought it was good... hehehehehehe!
Currently Listening to: - Nothing -
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Can't really think straight right now... I didn't really remember what happen in school but i remember AFTER school =D Mummy and me met Daddy for lunch and went to Takashimaya (for thightening of braces) So i ate Mushroom Bolognese Rice Gratin... haha =D YUMMY!! So went to Tower B to go look for Dr. Poon for braces stuff... Sian... So it hurts alot! but she said my teeth was still quite active (???) and she will not put a thicker wire at the moment (THANK GOD) After that, went to Cold Storage buy stuff and go home...
Then i went to talk to ppl in the BigBangVIP forum... Ppl there are nice... i met someone from Australia and a girl name Melody... Dunno real or not =DD haha... Anyway, getting serious stomach pain now... think i'm hungry... going to make toast now... Byeeeeeee~
Ps. G-Dragon got a new puppy! Name Gaho (a shar-pey i think... Spell like tat? =DD) Sooooo cuteeeee! Boss also cute! (Tae Yang's doggie!!!)
Currently Listening To: - Nothing -
Then i went to talk to ppl in the BigBangVIP forum... Ppl there are nice... i met someone from Australia and a girl name Melody... Dunno real or not =DD haha... Anyway, getting serious stomach pain now... think i'm hungry... going to make toast now... Byeeeeeee~
Ps. G-Dragon got a new puppy! Name Gaho (a shar-pey i think... Spell like tat? =DD) Sooooo cuteeeee! Boss also cute! (Tae Yang's doggie!!!)
Currently Listening To: - Nothing -
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Eeeeee... Why my blogger still spoil? Anyhoo, just to let you know, Andrea's URL is now so pls relink her... thanks!
My every Tuesday!
Blogger is not working again!!! Haiz! Anyway, today quite sian... Andrea wanted to meet for breakfast but nvr tell me in advance! Haha... English quite ok today... Talk to Kulvin.. After recess, changed place... =D So sat with Andrea they all and kept laughing at the Lame-Os... haiz... =D In the end, QH only suspended from CCA! HAHAHAHAHH! Serve him right! Just because he talk back to teacher (or principal... dunno)
After school got Maths, went down to canteen for short break... Ate quite a few stuff... Tokoyaki and 3 seaweed chicken only lah actually... =D Thought Nicholas would eat more... Haha... =D Then got chinese test... Got quite shocked when QH and Joey thought the test was EASY as i didn't really understand a single word... Maybe it's because i was mileeeeessss away! haha... then went to library a while to see Kulvin and Melanie =D Thennnnn we talked then go NorthPoint with Andrea...
Ate PastaMania with Andrea... Talked and GOSSIP! Haha... The went MiniToon bought Marshmellow (the same) Then I SAW IT!!!! I saw this ssssooooo freaking CUTE passport HOLDER! Faster call to ask mummy can buy MUMMY SAY CANNNNNN!!! WOOOOOOO! Haha... Bought it anyway, so cuteeee! HAha... Chip and Dale! hahaha.... Gotta go help Andrea now... Byeeeeee!
Ps. Tmr going for tightening!!!! AHHHHH!!! Scared!
Currently Listening To: Lollipop - Big Bang ft. 2ne1 (BOTH ROCK!!!!)
After school got Maths, went down to canteen for short break... Ate quite a few stuff... Tokoyaki and 3 seaweed chicken only lah actually... =D Thought Nicholas would eat more... Haha... =D Then got chinese test... Got quite shocked when QH and Joey thought the test was EASY as i didn't really understand a single word... Maybe it's because i was mileeeeessss away! haha... then went to library a while to see Kulvin and Melanie =D Thennnnn we talked then go NorthPoint with Andrea...
Ate PastaMania with Andrea... Talked and GOSSIP! Haha... The went MiniToon bought Marshmellow (the same) Then I SAW IT!!!! I saw this ssssooooo freaking CUTE passport HOLDER! Faster call to ask mummy can buy MUMMY SAY CANNNNNN!!! WOOOOOOO! Haha... Bought it anyway, so cuteeee! HAha... Chip and Dale! hahaha.... Gotta go help Andrea now... Byeeeeee!
Ps. Tmr going for tightening!!!! AHHHHH!!! Scared!
Currently Listening To: Lollipop - Big Bang ft. 2ne1 (BOTH ROCK!!!!)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Celebrated National Day today! So fun... I wore red and Andrea came in RED too!! haha... Then CO gotta perform... FUN! Hope no one saw me! But Movin claimed he saw me... But i dun believe! No one but him saw me... Impossible to believe right? =D Then went out for lunch with mummy, jie jie and mama... Andrea wanted me go watch GI Joe with her but i wan watch with the cousies! haha...
Instead of tmr, the cousins (except for Ah en jie jie and Xin Yi they all) coming our house celebrate! Can't wait... You know how i get so excited over small stuffs =D Haha... Oh right, after luch, we shopped for a while... And Kulvin and Joey was RIGHT! Auntie Annie's Pretzel is SOOOOOOOOOO YUMMY! I think i'm in love~~~ Haha... =D
Then i slept cause i was soooooo god-damn tired! Woke up at 7++? Thought i was sick cause i had a splinting headache... But turn out i was alright! dun want to be sick when NDP coming! AHHHHH!! =D Tmr going tution... Long time nvr see Mr Ho and SnowBelle and Snowy liao =D (Mrs Ho and Po Po too!) Both happy (?) and sian at the same time... haha... Nvr been for 3 weeks liao! Sure die de lor... =) Anyway, i think i going to go surf net now... Check up on Maria Hertogh... Heard she died a few weeks ago... Sad... =D Byeeeeee~
Currently Listening To: Number 1 - Big Bang
Instead of tmr, the cousins (except for Ah en jie jie and Xin Yi they all) coming our house celebrate! Can't wait... You know how i get so excited over small stuffs =D Haha... Oh right, after luch, we shopped for a while... And Kulvin and Joey was RIGHT! Auntie Annie's Pretzel is SOOOOOOOOOO YUMMY! I think i'm in love~~~ Haha... =D
Then i slept cause i was soooooo god-damn tired! Woke up at 7++? Thought i was sick cause i had a splinting headache... But turn out i was alright! dun want to be sick when NDP coming! AHHHHH!! =D Tmr going tution... Long time nvr see Mr Ho and SnowBelle and Snowy liao =D (Mrs Ho and Po Po too!) Both happy (?) and sian at the same time... haha... Nvr been for 3 weeks liao! Sure die de lor... =) Anyway, i think i going to go surf net now... Check up on Maria Hertogh... Heard she died a few weeks ago... Sad... =D Byeeeeee~
Currently Listening To: Number 1 - Big Bang
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Can't use the computer anymore, wont be blogging anymore... BYEEEEEEEE!!!!!! =DD So pissed off with a certain SOMEONE!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Wah lao, blogger STILL spoil? SO long~ Anyway, someone got RAPED today =DD Funny story actually... Melanie wanted her sweet (Mentos) back so she digged Qing Huang's pants pocket and it looked kinda wrong... Like she actually is raping him... HIS THIGH!!! HAHAHAH... Anyway, feel like watching Harry Potter with Andrea and maybe the girls tmr... I know i very slow... But so wat??? HUH?!?! Got a problem? Hehe =D SO bored... School quite fun!! imma NERD!!! female nerd? Nerdette!! Hahahahahhahahahah! Gotta go play Pet Society now... BYEEEEEEEE~
Currently Listening To: Manwon Song - Big Bang! AGAIN!!!!
My mortal very naughty hor today??? YOU EVIL BOY BOY!!!
Currently Listening To: Manwon Song - Big Bang! AGAIN!!!!
My mortal very naughty hor today??? YOU EVIL BOY BOY!!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
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