I love JoeyChongZuEr,
I'm gonna miss you much lei... After all those you write on your blog, the emotional-ness is getting to me! When I cry it's all your fault... Dun worry, we can meet up after school? Chat on msn and dun forget there is always technology right? Now my turn for a tribute, specially for you...
I love those times when we crapped...
I love those times when we loved each other like mad,
I will miss the times when you start going mad for no reason
& lastly,
I will miss you calling me your WIFEY...
Ps. I will have no wifey to call during lessons!!!
OMG!!! I starting to cry le!! I dun wan you to go, even though you have to go... I will miss you!!!! ): Sniff Sniff... I will stop before I start crying... I will miss you too, Melanie! My MelMel... ): Both of you do well in Express to prove to everyone, N(A) people are NOT stupid! No pressure (:
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
E-learning =.=
HellO! It's E-learning Day! Which is kinda lame right? (: Fromt he moment I woke up till now, I am on the computer... Listening to music and playing comp at the same time... Music Player spoilt... DARN IT! But I use the creative one... HAHA! Got the whole house to myself (With Aunty Ume & Woofy!) Chatting on Msn now (: With quite a few ppl actually... Very stressful you know?(: Ok la, not THAT bad (: Gotta go help jie jie play now... TA!!
C.A.N.D.Y Man
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
HellO! Just come back from the airport (T3), Daddy just came back from Hong Kong (: Went to Korea a few weeks (?) ago... (: Now HK... So busy~ Ate Teppenyaki (?) for dinner, not too bad, but like nvr add salt... Haha (: Then when jie jie open the chopstick right, then the whole thing was like slanted! OMG! HAHA! Then saw 2 of the chef (?) was like laughing!! HEHEHE! We got so funny meh? (:
Daddy bought Godiva chocolate!! AHHHHH! My fav, last time la (: Now its alright! But a little waste $$? Spend so much to just eat so little? (: Now looking through our old photo albums (: SOOOO CUTE!! (: But i kinda look funny when I very very very young (: Look like a boy! HAHA (: Now do I still look like a boy? (: HAHA!
Anyway, wanna go chiong PS now... TA!!
HAIZ, why so slow one?
Daddy bought Godiva chocolate!! AHHHHH! My fav, last time la (: Now its alright! But a little waste $$? Spend so much to just eat so little? (: Now looking through our old photo albums (: SOOOO CUTE!! (: But i kinda look funny when I very very very young (: Look like a boy! HAHA (: Now do I still look like a boy? (: HAHA!
Anyway, wanna go chiong PS now... TA!!
HAIZ, why so slow one?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Today was okay? (: * will avoid talking about IT Haiz... Tmr got Maths & Science Trial... So sian lei... Remember to bring calculator ok? Half-uniform tmr, I know very lame.. But nothing to talk about... So TA!! (:
Sometimes, you just don't make sense...
Sometimes, you just don't make sense...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Too lazy to blog now... So here are the pics from yesterday (:
Here is the bakery that bread looks fake yet real at the same time... But looks damn yummy (:
ThreeSixty Marketplace.. At the top of Ion Shopping Centre... The food is like gourmet? (: haha (: Looks sooooooo American lor this Supermarket, I LIKE!
The melons... From Japan I think.. SO cute! (: Got ribbon some more!
Baby tomato.. Seriously, Baby...
Chocolate section.. Hmmmmm (: For cooking one... Very nice to eat lei (: hehe, but kinda bitter... 
The jam... See the bottle... So many shape..
The Halloween section of the market... Sooooo many pumpkins (:

See, can paint yur own pumpkin somemore... SO cool!!
Mui Mui... A green shop! (: So nice... but very expensive...
Another expensive shop... I think... But i look sooooo cool... (:

Here is the bakery that bread looks fake yet real at the same time... But looks damn yummy (:

The picture is slanted soooooo badly because the woman was staring... So fast take and run.. HAHA! (:

The jam... See the bottle... So many shape..

See, can paint yur own pumpkin somemore... SO cool!!

* Sorry but my pics very lame... Haha (: Ion mah... All the expensive shops (: And I loooove to go see Markets.. As in Marketplaces (excluding NTUC) cause see the food soooo nice... Just wanna open it and eat.. HAHA!!
Anyway, talking to Denise and ZY now.. Haha (: Bye! Gotta go FB!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Just came back from Ion shopping (and many other shopping centre.. Too tired to name all)... So tired.. Will post more pics tomorrow! NIGHTS (:
Jia You Babes <3
Just came back from PSG... Wah lao, the parents nvr turn up! Darn those people!! Haiz, Jing XI sprained her neck.. Hope you get well soon (: Haha (: In about 5 more mins, gotta go get ready cause going Ion shopping!! HAHA (: None of the cousins coming cause O' level is around the corner, Yilin jie jie & jie jie must study!! Dun slack hor you guys! Jia You!!! (: haha (: Gotta go play FB now.. TA!!! <3
Friday, October 23, 2009
Promotion Day!!!
No school today... Promotion Day, dunno wad it mean... But still go school for CO! ): Haiz... Was soooo tired... Then when the percussion got their solo, it was sooo damn good... WOOOO~ You guys rock! (: Haha, then soooo bored, was rotting for a very long time okayyy? HAHA (:
Daddy is now in China (or Hong Kong... shld be China) to go relax after all working soooo hard!! Hope you have fun Daddy!! (: Oh yeah, Happy flying~
Wah lao, you guys go Sentosa never invite me! HMPH! Haha (: Kidding kidding... Just finished dinner... Was sooo shiok! HMMM! Satisfied! HEHE (: Tmr got PSG... so sian, neither of was wants to go, but i promised them, cause i'm the only one left.. So me & Jing Xi going... Haha (: So sian... Go Facebook now... TA!!
Daddy is now in China (or Hong Kong... shld be China) to go relax after all working soooo hard!! Hope you have fun Daddy!! (: Oh yeah, Happy flying~
Wah lao, you guys go Sentosa never invite me! HMPH! Haha (: Kidding kidding... Just finished dinner... Was sooo shiok! HMMM! Satisfied! HEHE (: Tmr got PSG... so sian, neither of was wants to go, but i promised them, cause i'm the only one left.. So me & Jing Xi going... Haha (: So sian... Go Facebook now... TA!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009

MAN, me & Denise changed ALOT! Right?? (: Her face is now alot more sharper and nicer (: Well, I dunno about me.. But i know 1 thing, this was last year (i think... Shld be.. HAHA)
Just finish dinner though it's already 9.15 (: hehe... School was fun and stressful at the same time... But everything change after school!
Watched movie? Then got back our results? Erm, Miss Wong nvr come? Haha (: OKok, will stop with the ??? (: FUN! Andrea bought me the HUGE Dale toy from Mini Toons... Thank Andrea!! LOVE YOU <3>

Thats all... BYEE!!! (:
The Dale Andrea gave me!! (: THANKS!!

Then go for sectional... Started out well, until Huang lao shi became sooooo crappy! Argh! Then it was like hell! Was pisse off, let us of at 6.30! DAMN! SO late! AHHHH! So stress lor... Maybe going to have 2 sectional practise next week onwards! Wah lao, so sian! =.=
Slept until 8++ Then bathe and eat dinner.. Talk about some STUFF hehe (: I loooove being home... Dunno why some ppl dun like? Wad's so bad?? (: Just talked to Kor [Bryan] (: Now eating something which looks damn expensive (: Just took some pics... Take a closer look (:
The cake, hmmmmm (:


Ps. OMG! Look at the abck of my hair... SOOOOO nice... (: I like!!! Why my hair cannot like tat evreyday?? ):

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Argh! Such a crappy day today, dun wanna talk about it... No performance tmr (: Haha! But still got sectional... Sian ): Starting to hate EXAMS!! Argh! And dun forget Maths too! ARGH!!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Present #1
Here are the presents that my family gave (:
So nice!!! (:

This is the handmade card ah en jie jie and adrian kor kor did for me! THANKS (:

Thank you guys for everything!! Love you <33
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy 14th to me!
HellO! Here are the people I wanna thank:
In no order (:
Mummy, Daddy, Jie jie, Denise, Zi Wen, Andrea, Melanie, Aidaa, Bryan [kor], Cora, Ah Hoon Yi Yi, Joeyy, Nini, Kulvin, Le Le, Dawn jie jie, Ah si yi yi & Jordan, yilin jie jie, Ah en jie jie , adrian kor kor, the aunts and uncles...
Many more to thank...
THANKS for wishing me a happy birthday!! Love you guys <33 color="#33ff33">
In no order (:
Mummy, Daddy, Jie jie, Denise, Zi Wen, Andrea, Melanie, Aidaa, Bryan [kor], Cora, Ah Hoon Yi Yi, Joeyy, Nini, Kulvin, Le Le, Dawn jie jie, Ah si yi yi & Jordan, yilin jie jie, Ah en jie jie , adrian kor kor, the aunts and uncles...
Many more to thank...
THANKS for wishing me a happy birthday!! Love you guys <33 color="#33ff33">
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Woke up at 11.30.. Suppose to be 10 but mummy called me but i never wake up!! HAHA =) Went for CO then after tat reached home.. Was hungry like mad.. Even though ate chicken pasta soup? for lunch... Haha =) Ask mummy to make Chocolate Cream Puffs for me to eat... But ate it after dinner [which was Chicken Chop with onion sauce!!] Haha =P Sounds tasty right??? =)) ut damn lot of choclate on the cream puff.. Hehe =) For me only mah! Hehehehehehehe, Tmr got school! YAY!!! =)) Finally if not stay at home seriously got nothing to do... Saturday is coming.. Can play le! Wooooo~ First saturday can play non-stop without the adults asking us "Why you not studying? Exams coming liao lei.." WOOTS WOOTS!!! =)) hehe, gotta go FACEBOOK now... TA!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Feel like blogging again, haha! Watching Hope & Faith now, gonna have dinner soon, PASTA!! HMMMMM... Facebook-ed since morning 'till now... Slept a while just now... Watched Simpsons too.. Nowadays, nothing to watch.. SO boring!! Haha =) Kinda getting hungry le... Haha =) Last thing to say before i go...
I woke up so damn early thinking today was e-learning day... i totally forgotten it was on the 28th... WAH LAO! Make me wake up soooooo early!! HMPH!! Tmr is marking day, but got CO! GRRRRRR, performance never mind but still got sectional! Can't we rest? Just for a week? It's after exams for heaven sakes! PFT!
Now sooooo tired, wanna go back to sleep but i can't! =(( SADDED!! TA!!
Now sooooo tired, wanna go back to sleep but i can't! =(( SADDED!! TA!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
WOOOOOO! Exams are finally over!! CAN RELAX LIAO!! SHIOK AH!! =PP Haha... School finished at 10.30 but got CO so I went to Mac with Joey, Andrea, Nicholas, Movin & Qing Huang... [Only Nicholas but Movin and QH tagged along... DUnno why, Nic asked them?? ] So chiong back to school at 11.30 for CO but reached there then tell me start at 2.30!! WAH LAO!!! So practised until 4.30++ Can die you know???
Mummy say no need to bake cupcakes for my birthday cause Daddy bringing something back from Korea!!! I WONDER WHAT??? Ahhhhh! SO excited, my mind's gonna EXPLODE! BOOM!!! Haha =))
Now at dua yi house... Ah en jie jie and jack kor kor just came back... Gonna have mahjong at night? I play until sian liao at one point... DUn like to play, dunno why ppl think its addictive... Gotta go play FACEBOOK NOW!! YAY!!! Watch out Kor [Bryan], I'm sooooo gonna beat you at PS!! Muahhahhahahahah!!! TA!!
Ps. I can do anything I want!!! =DD
Mummy say no need to bake cupcakes for my birthday cause Daddy bringing something back from Korea!!! I WONDER WHAT??? Ahhhhh! SO excited, my mind's gonna EXPLODE! BOOM!!! Haha =))
Now at dua yi house... Ah en jie jie and jack kor kor just came back... Gonna have mahjong at night? I play until sian liao at one point... DUn like to play, dunno why ppl think its addictive... Gotta go play FACEBOOK NOW!! YAY!!! Watch out Kor [Bryan], I'm sooooo gonna beat you at PS!! Muahhahhahahahah!!! TA!!
Ps. I can do anything I want!!! =DD
Monday, October 12, 2009
Woooooo~ Tmr is the last day of exams!! So happy!!! ut got CO tmr! ARGH!!! Will start to play like mad le! HAHA!! Will start posting tmr =))) Must go choose my cake now! ITS COMING!!!!
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