Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Alvin, Simon, Theeodore
This is Mogu Mogu, a Japanese drink...
Then you should know wat is Kinder Joy right??? Anyway, something funny just happen, I was sleeping when I woke up and Woofy's face was right in front of mine! He actually kept coming in the house and we all still dunno why... We think tat he is afraid of the next door swimming pool... But mummy think otherwise... =)
Nothing really happened in school... We watched Alvin and the Chipmunks... SO cutteeeee!!! I love Theodore! So fat and round like a green ball... Tats because he wears green.. Then before Chinese, we went up to the hall to watch the ELDDS and CLDDS perform... I think the Chinese one nicer to watch and the acting is way way better than the English one... The English one got no meaning then very lame... Keep pushing here and there...
Ate Hans for lunch then followed by Cheezels... =) haha... It was in my bag for no, not 2, no, not 4 but 1 day! Haha =) Anyway, gotta go... Byeeee~
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
a class outing
Then after school, Me, Kulvin, Melanie, Joey and Andrea went to NTUC to buy snacks... I bought, 2 Kinder Joy, Twisties and Cheezels... The it was raining sooo darn heavy that we had to mae 2 trips across the road with only 2 umbrella... =) Haha... Then after tat, we ran back to school in the stupid rain and it made it looked as if we all pee-d... Then we boarded the bus and drove all the way to the Old Ford Factory... Quite a nice place... =) Then we went to look at the museum, just as nice... Nicer than i expected... =) So after tat, Mdm Nora scolded the 6 boys and told them to sit in front so we, (Andrea, Joey, Kulvin, Melanie and Me) went to the back of the bus to sit then Movin kept pestering Kulvin for Gummy Bears... =) So funny... haha...
The after tat we went to Kranji Wall Memorial and looked at the tombstones of brave soldiers who fought in war... The youngest was 16 and the oldest I think was 50+ to 60+ years old... I honoured them by placing a flower on the tombstone... Then we looked at this big wall wth lots of brave soldiers who's body was not found... Then after tat, we went all the way back to school and went home...
Now stupid restaurant city cannot play cause got weird weird thing with the internet... Gotta go... Byeee~
Stop making stupid and heartless remarks you idiotic guys... You are hurting people's feeling you know??? God! You guys are dumb...
Ps. Sorry if dun have colour... Very bored... too lazy... haha =P
Monday, May 25, 2009
so sorry
I'm so sorry... =(
Recap of the week
We (Jie jie, Denise and Me) woke up early in the morning and me and Denise started crapping about, "I pwn you stuff" which we watched on Friday, Nigahiga... Haha =) They so funny... Then the cousins came and Me and jie jie skipped tution.. haha =) Yay... We played in the study room, then me, Yilin and Denise we learned how to make 'bah zhang' or in English, dumpling... I think I did well, as all the rice did not fall out or spill all over the place =) But all the parents are already pros, so it made mine look damn freaking ugly and out of shape.... Then we went to the playground and we played first. By the time Xin Yi and Han Qin came, it was dark and the adults called us to go back home... So we ate and we go back to the study room and play... We watched Nigahiga and I was on the verge of laughing my butt off...
Slept in and by the time we wake up, it was lunch time... After that we went for Popeye's chicken and biscuit, it was yummy, but a little too oily... But the biscuit tastes weird!!!! dry, tastes like scones mummy say... However the cajun fries was the best among all the food!!! Hehe... Then we walked around the Singapore Flyer area and it looked sooooo cool... After that, we went to multiple places to look at furnitures... Then we saw this very comfortable orange bed/chair and wanted to buy but mummy measured it but sadly, it did not fit!!! Haiz... But nvr mind... Then after that we went to Ang Mo Kio area for dinner... Steamboat... It tasted nice and me and Jie jie went to the counter area and take lots of foood.... Haha =) It was yummy though... =P
Nothing much happen just that Mr Chua kept us on class and the guys (and me!!! maybe some gals too... Joey???) were getting a little pissed off because I was looking forward to watch the assembly... but end up I didn't even get to watch a bit... Only hear!!! Something terrible happened but I dare not say... Can't play restaurant city... So bored!!! I think I go sleep now since got nothing to do... Byee~
Adding 2 freaking marks to my Chinese Paper 2 doesn't really make a difference cause I still fail!!!
* You just got pwned! * Haha... Just kidding, but seriously...
Friday, May 22, 2009
i'm a fanbert
Playing computer with Denise... Yupp, Facebook (Restaurant City)... Nothing much happened in school, today was Sports Carnival... We (Kulvin, Nini and Me) played a cute game called Crocodile... At first I thought it was lame but it turned out quite fun... Haha... Guess we are lame (okay, maybe me only...) after all... Tats all, nothing to talk much about now... Byee~
Kris doesn't deserve to win, Adam does!!! - Angry Fanbert
Thursday, May 21, 2009
happy and sad at the same time
Haiz, tomorrow got CO, very boring, after such a long time, time to go back for CO very boring... Wanna play more, have more fun before my nightmares begins... Tomorrow Denise coming and I was suppose to stay at home and play with her but then CO spoiled my plan... I tot it wasn't going to start until next week???
AHHHHH!!! just got news from Qi Wei!!! Tmr no CO!!! YES!!! my dreams have come true!!! (jkjk) Nothing really to talk about just that today was half day and it was super duper fun!!! Finish early is shiok!!! Byeee~
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
After exams...
English: 55/80
Maths: 74/100
Chinese: 25/70
History: 49/85
Art: 61/100
I passed everything except Chinese... Haha =) Anyway, later got AI!!! Finals already, so exciting!! Can't wait... Hehe... Down to the 2 best, Adam (naturally) and Kris (unaturally??? Haha) Jie jie downstairs watching Harry Potter while I upstairs playing Pet Society... again... Had lots of fun today and now too tired to write anymore... Byee~
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Movie Marathon
Since the guys and gals are out watching 17 again (without me... cause I watch already... Haha, way before them...) I am doing my own movie marathon... Haha.. Gonna watch 2 shows today, Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Season 2 (duh...) then after that I going to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire =) Hehe... Starting my movie marathon soon, but first, I have to play some Facebook games... Haha =) Hooked on it...
The game that I will be playing...
How a neighbourhood of pet society will look like... If those of you who doesn't play this...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Last time when I watched AI, Danny was out!! Boo yeah!! He sucks!!! ** No offence... Now thinking that maybe Kris might stand a chance winning... (Even though Adam ROCKS!!!) Have you heard him sing Heartless by Kanya West??? He rocked it!!! Anyway, nothing really muched happen just that I have been watching Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air and it was sooo damn good lah... Loved it!!! Watched finish the whole of Season 1... Tomorrow going to start on Season 2... Anyway, I think I'm gonna continue playing restaurant city... TTYL, byeee~
Melissa =P
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Had history paper today, not so bad, able to do it with ease =) Then I watched Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (Andrea lend one...) then after a while I go tution then almost fall asleep =) Haha... too boring?? No lah... Snowbelle on the table how to sleep with her staring at me??? Then came back watch more FPOBL (fresh prince of bel-air) so funny lor... Will Smith is such a good actor... 'Carlton' too.. Hehe... Then I come up surf the net then planning to watch AI but then lazy to go down so I will watch the 8pm one... Haha... Gotta go now =) Having Science tomorrow... Must study!!! Just wanna say...
Tomorrow going to celebrate Andrea's birthday =) Hehe.... Dunno where to go =P Here is one last thing before you go =) Tinkerbelle!!!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, if the doctor is handsome, throw the apple away!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
All about the week!!!
Last Friday:
It was Labour Day so all the cousins, (Dawn, Melanie, Yilin, Me, Denise and Xin Yi) went out to AMK hub (again) to watch 17 again... I must admit, Zac Efron looked quite good, (There Kulvin, I said it!!!) We went out to buy presents, lots and lots of them... I recommand you guys out there to watch 17 again, It's nice!!! Then we went back to play with Jordan, we played Topple, a very cute game which made me shout alot, because it was toppling... Haha... And everything went on like every other time we go to mama house...
I had tution in the morning and then mummy said we were going to have dinner with Adrian Kor kor + family... So I was so happy when I found out we were having buffet!!! Then after we eat finish, the food wasn't so good... The food selection was only a little bit... Haha... So after that, the aunties wanted to go back our house to play mahjong and spent the night there... So when we reached home me and jie jie helped kor kor play for a little while and we helped him win some money... Hehe.... The I slept at 1am and they slept at 3am... Haha...
All the cousins came to our house and we played like mad... We (Kor Kor, Jie Jie, Yilin, Me and Zi Yang) climbed the wooden poles and it was quite high and we jumped off there... Haha... So fun =)
Monday - Tuesday:
I forgot wad happen.. STM... Haha... Getting old... Down with Dementia???
Went for tution and Mr Ho and Mrs Ho was watching AI And I also listen (as I wanted to watch the 8pm one...) Then the boys (Qing Huang, Bryan and Movin) called me cm2 (Cute Mei Mei) which I think is an insult cause I'm not small and cute okay??? I'm not a toy!!! Tomorrow is he chinese exam which I think I most probably will be failing... Haha... Eeeee!!! Tomorrow is American Idol result week!!! Can't wait!!! Adam (The Rock God) rocked today!!! (as always... Hehe..) He sang it damn well!! Even Daddy (Simon too!!!) said it!!!
Gotta go sleep... * Jie Jie angry!!! * Byeee~
Ps. Hope Denise can stay with me at Xin Yi's house on Friday!!! Specially for you my dear Denise!!! Relax and enjoy okay??? Dun so stress!!! Night and good luck for the exam!!!