Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

After exams...

Yay!! Tomorrow half day! Maybe, the gang and I will be going out to watch Night in the Museum 2.. Wanna go Sembawang Shopping Centre but I know they won't wanna go.. So maybe go Northpoint again... Finally got back all my results, here are the results:

English: 55/80
Maths: 74/100
Chinese: 25/70
History: 49/85
Art: 61/100

I passed everything except Chinese... Haha =) Anyway, later got AI!!! Finals already, so exciting!! Can't wait... Hehe... Down to the 2 best, Adam (naturally) and Kris (unaturally??? Haha) Jie jie downstairs watching Harry Potter while I upstairs playing Pet Society... again... Had lots of fun today and now too tired to write anymore... Byee~


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