Class chalet was yesterday (: Met Joey, Bryan, Jerald and Heng Cheng at Khatib MRT then we stood all the way to Pasir Ris, which is like erm, 23 (?) stops away! OMG!!!! (: Haha, then bus-ed to Downtwn East and the guys stopped at KFC to eat =.= Haiz, then walked to the chalet, haha. Went up to the room for nothing, then dunno how it happen, but a pillow fight broke out, suppose to be 3 v 3 but end up only Melanie against the guys i guess (: Haha,
Then, me & Joey sat by the rock looking at the sea, the water looks gross! Sat around the BBQ pit and talked (: haha, cut the cake at the chalet, then we were off to have dinner at Mac (: Went with Joey, Le Le, Sharifah, Bryan and Jerald. Andrea walked us there and went home, because of all the sand in her pants (: hehe, anyway, wanted to take lots of pics (: haha, no mood (for picture taking) yesterday actually (: haha, got no pics at all, well, maybe a little bit? (: Here are SOME of the pics (:
Here is the cake for 2B and Amirul's birthday (:

Our BBQ pit at night, awww, so romantic (: Haha,

The funny looking DRUMSTICK Andrea bought? I think only the guys eat (: hehe,

Next time i must take pics with every single person, just like Joey (: haha, gotta go, byeeeeeee!!
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