Hey guys~
The computer is being a total bitch to me. So I changed my URL and the problem is solved!! Yippee~ Please relink. It looks exactly the same except for the heading and the URL. That's all. Lots of love~
Ps. The URL almost sounds the same :P
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Not blogging today~
I might not be blogging today, because I am busy and my modem has run out of cash. Also partly because I want to surf the net. :P WOO! Toodles~
*This is just an information post and not a REAL post. ^^
*This is just an information post and not a REAL post. ^^
Friday, September 10, 2010
Hmmm, I am not too happy! I can't take my braces out and wear retainers when I go back to Singapore! ): My teeth are all crooked! I DONT LIKE IT! ): Now I have to wait for another 2 bloody months! TWO!! =.=

The movie ticket and the 3D glass. Ain't it cool or what?!?! ^^
Last day of school and not too good.
In times like this, I wish I would have a wordpress account instead of blogger. I need to have a private post to only people I invite knows. Maybe I should create another private blog. Hmmmm~ Last day of school, but I don't feel to happy all because SOMEONE spoilt my mood. PSH~ *Daddy, don't get too concerned. Don't mention anything, just let me vent my anger, I would be alright in like a minute or so. ((:*
Gonna go watch Despicable Me with Mummy & Jie Jie. Not as excited as before. Seriously, I have no mood to blog. I wanna scold someone, but I can't. I just can't!
Ps. I am sooo not emo-ing (being emotional. It's you, who is exaggerating.)
Gonna go watch Despicable Me with Mummy & Jie Jie. Not as excited as before. Seriously, I have no mood to blog. I wanna scold someone, but I can't. I just can't!
Ps. I am sooo not emo-ing (being emotional. It's you, who is exaggerating.)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Grace's farewell Party and EOT Party.
Watching Harold & Kumar now. Sorry if I have yet to blog today. When I came back from school, I had to rush my homework because we are going to Auntie Nellie's house for din din today. It was goood! Auntie Nellie cooked/baked Spagetti Bolognese,
pan fried chicken with Avacado stuffing and almond crust. Cauliflower and potato soup with croutons. Pesto Spagetti. And some other very nice stuff. Auntie Nellie is a VERY GOOD painter (: She showed us her paintings, AMAZING! ^^
Grace's Party was AWESOME! Everyone brought some food along and we had a Farewell/End-Of-Term Party. YAY! The finish 1 box of my almond cookies. Yay! I will show you some pictures. Tomorrow is the last day of school. For once, I am actually feeling kind of sad. I am actually enjoying school. Gasp!
Anyway, I have to mail some people and check some shit out. ^^ Talk to you soon. BOARDING NEXT YEAR! (Oops, sorry, I was very random here. :P) AISLE! (Random moment again. HAH!) PICTURE TIME!!
*Gonna edit them first. Will upload later.*
I cannot upload today because it takes alot of 'money' to edit my pictures. Will do it next time. ^^ Sorry~
pan fried chicken with Avacado stuffing and almond crust. Cauliflower and potato soup with croutons. Pesto Spagetti. And some other very nice stuff. Auntie Nellie is a VERY GOOD painter (: She showed us her paintings, AMAZING! ^^
Grace's Party was AWESOME! Everyone brought some food along and we had a Farewell/End-Of-Term Party. YAY! The finish 1 box of my almond cookies. Yay! I will show you some pictures. Tomorrow is the last day of school. For once, I am actually feeling kind of sad. I am actually enjoying school. Gasp!
Anyway, I have to mail some people and check some shit out. ^^ Talk to you soon. BOARDING NEXT YEAR! (Oops, sorry, I was very random here. :P) AISLE! (Random moment again. HAH!) PICTURE TIME!!
*Gonna edit them first. Will upload later.*
I cannot upload today because it takes alot of 'money' to edit my pictures. Will do it next time. ^^ Sorry~
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Waiting for mummy to come home. I want to bake some COOKIES!! (: Watching Lizzie Maguire now. NICE~ Gotta go my Math homework, re-do my science and my Geog project. I FOUND MY USB!! FINALLY~ Wooo~ I have to save some 'money' and stop using the internet. Like NOW! Toodles people!
* No pictures today, sorry! *
* No pictures today, sorry! *
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Gala Day & ELC!
Like I said, it was Gala Day today. We (Team 2) played against the opposite team (Team 1) They had Zabeta & Fiona, which is kinda scary (Ahh!). So, they won. ): I was the Goal Defence & Goal Keeper once. It's not so bad I guess? So we had a awards ceremony. They gave the lolly bouquets to Me & Joy. THANKS GUYS! ^^ And Bridget won the other bouquet (clap clap!) We had a can of coke (each) some lollys, chips and some sausage shitzel (?) * Sandwich like thingy. for everyone. It was kinda salty tho. We played a good game of Netball. CONGRATZ EVERYONE! Thanks for the lolly bouquet again guys!
Went to ELC. The 2nd last visit. I'm feeling kind of sad. ): I want to visit them more often. THE REST OF THE YEAR! Naw, just kidding. So Me, Divya & Lulu was suppose to meet at 1.50pm at the lockers. Lulu wasn't there. So me and Divya went ahead. Reached, went to pee. Went into the classroom that I was suppose to go. I forgot to take pictures with them. AGAIN! I swear, I am going to take with them the next visit. I WILL REMEMBER! So, I helped them with the 'beds' and stuff. Had a tea party with the girls. Chloe and I forgot the other girls name. *SHH!* Oops! Haha, they were so cute. But the other girl was kind of bossing Chloe around ): That's not very good! So I played some Lego with the boys. They made aeroplanes and started 'shooting' at me. So I pretended to get shot at. *ARGGHH!* And they were quite amused. ^^ Then it was time for the Earlies? (Those going off earlier) to get their afternoon tea. This time round, I didn't follow them. So I stayed with the later ones. I read some books to them. 2 girls started fighting over whose turn it was to flip the page. Then I saw one little girl, she was looking out the window, sniffing. OMG! Is she gonna cry? So in my mind I was like "PLEASE DONT CRY! *I can't soothe babies/toddlers when they are crying, I'm very bad at it*" She did cry, so Georgia *The lady in charge (teacher??)* said that she wanted attention. But I was like, I don't think so. She is always one of the Earlies but she was the later ones today. I think she wants to go home early. *The other boys said that she's crying because she was separated with Hao, both of them are like side by side all the time. They speak chinese to each other. ^^* So the other boys were like, "________ is a crybaby." The she cried even more. I was like "That's not nice." They just looked at each other and sniggered. =.= Then we went to the playground. Pushed some of them on the swing. We went to the Vegetable Patch after that. YAY! It was kinda fun?? The actually grew carrots, celery, rhubarb, some kind of veggie and snow peas from scratch!! OMGG~ I wanna help! So Georgia said that if they find any Snow Peas, they can eat it. They all screamed and run to the Snow Peas area and started hunting for some. Cool! ^^ I found this huge one, I was about to eat it, then Felicity came up and went all puppy-dog-eyes on me and said "Can I have it? It's my favourite." I was like, "Okayy~" So I asked her for half, she was like "NO!" Then it was time to go back, I looked and the clock and it was 10 minutes to 4! AHH! Divya and Lulu left without me. I took my bag, said Goodbye and left. It was fun. As usual. I had loads of fun.
Woah, that's a long post!! ^^ Gonna post some pictures before going on studywiz to post that ^ paragraph on my school blog. I don't want to re-tye it :P Toodles~
The flower bouquet that they gave me. THANK YOU! (:
There is Chupa-Chup (??) WOO!
Monday, September 6, 2010
I LOST MY USB!! ): My Geography project is in there! I did have a back-up in the laptop. I went for History, plugged it in the computer. I forgot to get it out after class. So during Lunch, I got bec to follow me to find it. It's not in the same computer that I used. Dang! Where could it be?? So I am going to find it tmr. Ask the teachers in Room 20. I have my geog due tmr. NOOO! ):
On the bright side, I have PE tmr. YAY! Netball and Gala Day. Whoop whoop~ (: Haiz, gonna eat some fries now. I CAN SMELL IT! ^^ I have nothing to write now. Toodles~
On the bright side, I have PE tmr. YAY! Netball and Gala Day. Whoop whoop~ (: Haiz, gonna eat some fries now. I CAN SMELL IT! ^^ I have nothing to write now. Toodles~
Dance-Off tonight!! Meeting Laura @ 7.15pm. Excited~
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Just came back, we went for breakfast. I had Fresh fruits with Yogurt. Hmmm~ But the yogurt was sour! A little gross. (: Went to rent/buy some books. Gonna read them soon. Then me and Mummy went to Coles in search of our (well, my) baking soda ^^ Then we went to The Zoo to get some doggie biscuit for Woofers~ HMMMMM~ Gotta go now. FACEBOOK! Toodles~
Ps. You make me mad!
Ps. You make me mad!
Dance-Off tmr, Can't wait!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
We went shopping today. ^^ Woke up, my shoulders were still hurting ): i almost died. Nah, just kidding. We had French food for lunch. The leek and potato soup was delicious. Hmmmmm~ Then I had escargot. I got some pictures. The we shopped around for a while. Went into Smiggle to buy some stuff. After that, we drove down to Glen Farrie (??) To buy some pet food. But the shop was closed. Went to the SUPERMARKET. It's literally called Supermarket. ^^ It's was goooood. We don't have to go to Thomas Dux or Coles anymore, this like big and have pretty looking food packaging stuff. Haha. But the food quality is kind of good. Well, I am hungry now. Just ate some digestive biscuits. Gonna upload some pictures and continue with my net-surfing. Toodles~
Failed shot. Can't see the full name.
That's better! Sorry about the rain. Wait, I can't do anything about it. HAH!
The Leek & Potato soup. Yummy!
The Escargot. It looks gross. But don't snail by it's looks! It's yummy.
This is the Snail in it's shell. It's basil base. Pesto actually. YUMYUM!
Well, someone is ignoring me~ Dum-dee-dum. ^^
Friday, September 3, 2010
It's the weeeeeeeeeeeeee-kend.
It's the WEEKEND! Holidayyyy! (: Haha, today's Friday. I had Double Elective (Design). It was kinda fun. We started on our own architecture design. Yippee~ And I got back my chinese test. 114/115. 99%!! Finally I passed one of my chinese tests. DO I GET A PRIZE?!?!?! ^^ There is Shipwrecked tmr at 9pm. I wanna watch. I have to go surf the net now. I HAVE TO!! ^^ Toodles~
Thursday, September 2, 2010
"I have to bring my textbook back."
Closes locker.Walks home.
A while later,
That's what happened =.= I have 听写 tmr. WTHHH! So, I was hungry when I reached home. Mummy bought some cool stuff for us. ^^ Magnets and PERFUME! Mine's good. I got first pick! Haha. So I had Salada instead. Woo! Anyway, I have this major Geog project (Streetwise) that I have to do. I left a few more paragraphs to write. Then I will be done. OMG! Next week is exciting! ^^ Tmr is the last day for Week B. I like Week A but sadly, we have Christian Studies twice on Week A!! Damn. Lets' see what is on next week.
Monday: Dance Off at night! I can't wait. Going with Laura, Mel & The rest ^^
Tuesday (The best day for next week!): I have PE. Gala Day. (Finale for Netball! Hope we get in! I want to play!!), Community Action to ELC. Gonna bring my camera and hope for some pictures with them and some Marshmallow!!! ^^ Everyone loves Marshmallow don't they? And I gotta hand in The Streetwise. So I can finally relax.
Wednesday: I have nothing.
Thursday: Unit 4 Test for Chinese
Friday: : LAST DAY! OF THE TERM. OH MY GODDD! (: "Bop Till You Drop." I wonder what that is.
That's what happened =.= I have 听写 tmr. WTHHH! So, I was hungry when I reached home. Mummy bought some cool stuff for us. ^^ Magnets and PERFUME! Mine's good. I got first pick! Haha. So I had Salada instead. Woo! Anyway, I have this major Geog project (Streetwise) that I have to do. I left a few more paragraphs to write. Then I will be done. OMG! Next week is exciting! ^^ Tmr is the last day for Week B. I like Week A but sadly, we have Christian Studies twice on Week A!! Damn. Lets' see what is on next week.
Monday: Dance Off at night! I can't wait. Going with Laura, Mel & The rest ^^
Tuesday (The best day for next week!): I have PE. Gala Day. (Finale for Netball! Hope we get in! I want to play!!), Community Action to ELC. Gonna bring my camera and hope for some pictures with them and some Marshmallow!!! ^^ Everyone loves Marshmallow don't they? And I gotta hand in The Streetwise. So I can finally relax.
Wednesday: I have nothing.
Thursday: Unit 4 Test for Chinese
Friday: : LAST DAY! OF THE TERM. OH MY GODDD! (: "Bop Till You Drop." I wonder what that is.
That's next week! (: So excited. I might not be blogging on Saturday. Maybe early morning. We are doing our final shopping (buying stuff to bring back to Singapore). 1 more weeks 'till the holidays! Woo! But I still have holiday homework. Science and History. Not so bad. I have to do some research in Singapore. Go to the library and stuff. I HAVE TO DO IT! Science actually seems fun. Can't wait for the HOOOOLIDAY! ^^ And we had Sex Ed during Health today. Damn funny. I was trying to control my giggles. You know I can't (: HAHAHAHAHHAHA! We played "Sexual Bingo"? Super funny. I got the same as Lauren. Which means I won. But it was embarrassing!!! ^^ haha. Gotta go do my Geog now. Bye bye pee-pole. Toodles~
Ps. I rock don't I?
Pps. I just realised. I would be spending my birthday in Aussie. Aren't I sad. ): I have no one to celebrate with!!!

Mummy doesn't approve of this kind of shots. HAHAHAH! It's hilarious! I look like the pig from Angry Birds. *wink wink*
You make me irritated. I'm not talking to you!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
You know how much I've been waiting for play netball all week?? Then, stupidly, the rain came. =.= I had NO netball today. WTH! Was getting all excited when I was changing. The Mr. Moon asked us to get our PE workbook and come back. I was HOPING that there we are still playing. But NOOOOO~ The rain didn't stop =.= So we stayed in the gym and played Dodgeball (again) and some other games. WHICH WERE NOT FAIR! Cheaterbug! Hehe. Had Design. Was kinda fun (: We are currently doing architecture design. So we ended early. Get to go home early! YAY! (: Haha, so I watched The Nanny. It was a good show. Yet another old one. Watching Here's Lucy now. Yippee~ Hmmm, 2 more days, then the weekends will be coming. After that, another week and the holidays would be here! YAAAAYYYY~ Gotta go do my work and surf the net now. TOODLES~

The 7 things I hate about you,
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends, they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
Miley Cyrus - 7 Things
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends, they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
Miley Cyrus - 7 Things
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