"I have to bring my textbook back."
Closes locker.Walks home.
A while later,
That's what happened =.= I have 听写 tmr. WTHHH! So, I was hungry when I reached home. Mummy bought some cool stuff for us. ^^ Magnets and PERFUME! Mine's good. I got first pick! Haha. So I had Salada instead. Woo! Anyway, I have this major Geog project (Streetwise) that I have to do. I left a few more paragraphs to write. Then I will be done. OMG! Next week is exciting! ^^ Tmr is the last day for Week B. I like Week A but sadly, we have Christian Studies twice on Week A!! Damn. Lets' see what is on next week.
Monday: Dance Off at night! I can't wait. Going with Laura, Mel & The rest ^^
Tuesday (The best day for next week!): I have PE. Gala Day. (Finale for Netball! Hope we get in! I want to play!!), Community Action to ELC. Gonna bring my camera and hope for some pictures with them and some Marshmallow!!! ^^ Everyone loves Marshmallow don't they? And I gotta hand in The Streetwise. So I can finally relax.
Wednesday: I have nothing.
Thursday: Unit 4 Test for Chinese
Friday: : LAST DAY! OF THE TERM. OH MY GODDD! (: "Bop Till You Drop." I wonder what that is.
That's what happened =.= I have 听写 tmr. WTHHH! So, I was hungry when I reached home. Mummy bought some cool stuff for us. ^^ Magnets and PERFUME! Mine's good. I got first pick! Haha. So I had Salada instead. Woo! Anyway, I have this major Geog project (Streetwise) that I have to do. I left a few more paragraphs to write. Then I will be done. OMG! Next week is exciting! ^^ Tmr is the last day for Week B. I like Week A but sadly, we have Christian Studies twice on Week A!! Damn. Lets' see what is on next week.
Monday: Dance Off at night! I can't wait. Going with Laura, Mel & The rest ^^
Tuesday (The best day for next week!): I have PE. Gala Day. (Finale for Netball! Hope we get in! I want to play!!), Community Action to ELC. Gonna bring my camera and hope for some pictures with them and some Marshmallow!!! ^^ Everyone loves Marshmallow don't they? And I gotta hand in The Streetwise. So I can finally relax.
Wednesday: I have nothing.
Thursday: Unit 4 Test for Chinese
Friday: : LAST DAY! OF THE TERM. OH MY GODDD! (: "Bop Till You Drop." I wonder what that is.
That's next week! (: So excited. I might not be blogging on Saturday. Maybe early morning. We are doing our final shopping (buying stuff to bring back to Singapore). 1 more weeks 'till the holidays! Woo! But I still have holiday homework. Science and History. Not so bad. I have to do some research in Singapore. Go to the library and stuff. I HAVE TO DO IT! Science actually seems fun. Can't wait for the HOOOOLIDAY! ^^ And we had Sex Ed during Health today. Damn funny. I was trying to control my giggles. You know I can't (: HAHAHAHAHHAHA! We played "Sexual Bingo"? Super funny. I got the same as Lauren. Which means I won. But it was embarrassing!!! ^^ haha. Gotta go do my Geog now. Bye bye pee-pole. Toodles~
Ps. I rock don't I?
Pps. I just realised. I would be spending my birthday in Aussie. Aren't I sad. ): I have no one to celebrate with!!!

Mummy doesn't approve of this kind of shots. HAHAHAH! It's hilarious! I look like the pig from Angry Birds. *wink wink*
You make me irritated. I'm not talking to you!
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