Thursday, April 30, 2009
The most funniest thing I ever encounter with Joey!!!
Today was exam, and after that, our gang (Andrea, Aidah, Kulvin, Joey and Nini + Me too...) went to watch X-Men: Wolverine... It was so damn good lah... He so handsome... (he as in Hugh Jackman) Darn Sabertooth... The evil brother!!! Oops... Reaveling too much of the show... Hehe... Sry sry... The during the show, Joey is most nosiest (and funniest) person you can sit next to during a movie, she keeps giving comments on the movie, like when they were fighting, Joey kept saying "No, no, you Assho*e!!!" Then she gives weird comments and I was laughing my butt off... Maybe we watch a funny movie and we laugh even more... Haha...
The we went to the library and we sat on the floor at the babies section, and we took baby books and started reading, then me, Joey and Andrea we laughing like crazy and Andrea broke into a crazy Vibrating session... We were laughing so hard that ppl might actually think we are retarded... Haha... Then Andrea told us to grab ourselves and Joey grab her own *Ahem* You know what I mean... Hehe... So mummy picked me up and I was suppose to meet Denise, Yilin jie jie and Xin Yi online at 5.30 but I fell asleep and woke up only at 6.15, so I bathed, rushed at met them only at 6.30... Haha... I'm an hour late!!! Then I watch American Idol even though I know Matt is out!!! (FINALLY!!!) no offence... Hehe... Supporting the 2 major ROCKERS on American Idol, Adam and Allison... The A's mostly...
Anyway, gonna watch 17 again with the cousins tomorrow with Dawn jie jie... Yay, gonna have fun... Daddy going overseas tomorrow morning... Happy Flying!!! Byeee~
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Recess I ate Pandan Cake and 'Lo Mai Kai'... So the weird thing is, just before we went up the stairs, Qing Huang stopped right in front of me and bend down, so my hand accidentally bum into his ass and he maked a scene out of it, saying that I molested him and that I touch his ass on purpose, like as if I have so much time to actually go around touching people's ass!!!
So English, Mdm Pan didn't come, Yay!! But Miss Isma took over... Boo!! Then Jun Hong came to relief our class for CLOVES 1 and everyone was a little 'excited'??? Then he told us about his family, touching story though.. So sad... Art went pretty well, Andrea, Kulvin and me were like talking for the whole time, but I did finish some work... But I dun think Andrea did!!!
Then after school, go 'chase' Bryan for my 80 cents!!! He say why must chase him for the money??? 80 cents only wad... Hey!! Mind you but 80 cents is also money ok??? Then I was so happy I finally have all my money back!! Hehe... So I level-ed up in Pet Society and I now have 5 rooms... Haha... =) Should visit my house... Cute!!! (NOT bragging!!! But you should really see it!!)
Daddy going for a wedding (it think) over the weekends so mummy promised me that we will go downtown to buy a new wallet (for ME!!!) Eeeee... So excited... Haha... Wanting one so badly... How long has it been??? =P Haha... Finally can have one... Yeah... I think maybe buying for The Wallet Shop... 'cause that's were jie jie buy hers!!! Hehe... Anyway, announcing again, tomorrow is American Idol... *Giggling* Yeah!! Anoop's out, (sorry Kulvin) but anyway, the only one left to actually support is Adam!!! Hehe... Byeee~
Here is Bolt!! So cute right?? Feel like putting his pic... Hehe... Was listening to I thought I lost you!!! So nice right?? Haha... Kor kor, I finally got the song!!! John Travolta is good... =) Bolt is suppose to be a German Shephard... Why is he so small???
Monday, April 27, 2009
Before that, (as in starting of the day...) maths was okay, I was a little bit dozing off cause watever Miss Isma said, did not go in... However, Mr Ho did teach me and I understand it a little bit... Haha... So i'm not really lacking behind... So after that, It was Mdm 'Funky' Chen as we like to call her that last year... I got 80??? for my music test (which is an A... I didn't even know my music is that good... I tot I would fail... Honestly!!!) so me, Joey, Nini and Kulvin slacked, talking about... You-know-who (eh, eh)... So then it was english, Mdm Pan came in and started to stare at us, and I think she was angry with us (some how or rather)... So we didn't really had fun in school...
So it was History, finish the chapter and now I think we will be revising... Then it was Mother Tongue... Kulvin stayed in class and Andrea was 'mad'... Haha... Mr Chua showed us that he can write a compo using the computer in 5 mins but he did it in 10... Haha... PAI SEH!!! Then it was Art, we started on our Art exam, I was quite happy how mine turned out to be... going to try to finish it tmr... Haha... I think I have to get on with the online History Quiz... Which is worth 20% of our CA1 marks... Wish me all the best... =P Ciao... Haha...
Anyway, this is Jack Kahuna Laguna (voice of Johnny Depp)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Noop Dawg...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
OMG!!! Another very very very sad thing is that Anoop is out... aNoop dawg... Can you believe it? (I can't) Racists aren't they? Anyway, he will be out sooner or later... Such a suprise that he actually was aroung for quite some time... Haha... And the top 7 performance they did was a dancing one.. OMG!!! I didn't know Adam's dancing was that good... He look so much like Elvis in that suit on TV... Haha.. The younger version that is (before he was on drugs... Elvis that is.. Not Adam...) Most probably Me, Kulvin and Nini will be talking about why Anoop is out tomorrow... BIG story for Kulvin and Me cause we are supporting Anoop... Still can't believe he is out =) Haha... Anyway, I'm gonna tell you about my day today...
Nothing really much happen but during CLOVES 2 lesson, teacher asked the whole class what 'CULTURE SHOCK' was, so practically no one was listening cause everyone knows that CLOVES 2 period the a little slacking and futhermore, it's just after PE... Then after that, I said culture shcok is when you see a culture and you get a shock and Mr Yeow actually said it was correct... SPOT ON!!! Haha... Then Assembly was the Prefect Investiture.. I can undertstand the excitement and the nervousness as I was a prefect once in P6... Anyway, I we went to BK after tat and had a fun time... Talk to you guys next tiime... Gotta sleep cause jie jie is tired... The cough syrup is taking action... Nightz...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
American Idol Season 8
Look at Adam only one wearing all black =) Gotta go... Gotta stop babbling =) Ciao =P
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Happy Happy Day =)
Then during Art, i turned my chair to face Nini and Andrea turned her's to face Kulvin and we all laughed like crazy over the simplest things =) Then Melanie was reading the newpaper and we saw a article on American Idol and Kulvin saw Adam's (Lambert that is and not Sandler ANDREA!!!) and we started 'screaming' and we ran over to Melanie's table to take a look, but she was reading and we started finding a newspaper and finally borrowed it from Praveen who borrowed from Zulfa who borrowed from Danial who bought it =) The Nini kept saying how good he looked and we kept giggling over what we actually did when we saw Adam's picture... Maybe that was only my opinion =) Haha... Another thing... NICHOLAS called us CRAZY BUNCH OF GIRLS!!!! We can't help it right??? Hehe...
After school, we went to find Mdm Pan to take out the equipment we are going to use for tomorrow's practical and my partner is Andrea and Joey is partnering Kulvin =) Sorry arh Zi Wen... =( Then after school, Aidah, Kulvin, Andrea, Nini and Me went to Northpoint for uch, MiniToons adn Cold Storage (to buy ingredients for tomorrow's practical) and the @ kfc Andrea spilled Mountain Dew on me and Kulvin!!! %)@*$! Haha... Just kidding =) The Kulvin looked as if she peed on herself =) But after a while, everything went back to normal =) Haha...
Everytime when I listen to Scott (Macintyre) sing, I feel so bad for him, all because of Paula, telling him to change his image a little and try to play the piano... Causing him to be kicked out of AI!!! Nooooo... =) Hehehe... Tomorrow is American Idol!!! AHHHH... Can't wait!!!!! I think i have written enough for the day... Ciao =P
Ps. Me, Nini , Aidah and Kulvin are in this group called the Adam Lambert's Fan Club and Andrea is in the i Hate Adam club then we started 'attacking' Andrea =) Haha... So funny =P
Monday, April 20, 2009
Three cheers for CO
Hip hip, hooray!!!
Hip hip, hooray!!!
Hip hip, hooray!!!
Woofy when he was young taking a picture with daddy =) Daddy had to keep him down in order to take this picture =)
This is the current Woofy =) Handsome eh??
That's all... Will post more next time =) Hehe... Will post later to tell you the news about CO!!! Ciao for now =P
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Adam Adam Adam....
** This is Adam Lambert... Just to let you know **
Oooo... He looks so goood in a suit =) Haha...
Eeep... So cute =) The camera is below the floor... That explains the fingers =) haha...
He just finish singing 'Tracks of my tears'... =) Ahhh... One of his best performance =)
Now... Today in school we celebrated International Friendship day... We celebrated with a fashion show... Each class was suppose to design a costume according to the country given to us =) Our's was Australia... Mostly me, Andrea, Kulvin and Aidah did most of the dress but Melanie and Joey did help too... But left earlier for the Prefect Investiture... But the class contributed a shocking amount of plastic bags =) Total of 162 plastic bags =) Haha... Alot right... And we used about 2/3 of it.. We made a dress with lots of flowers =) It's because Australia has a lot if wildflower... (which i tot was crap... 'Cause Australia is more famous for thier waves and green scenary =) But ... Why care? 'Cause we won... Haha) We won a $25 NTUC voucher... To buy sweets and stuff for our class =) Haha... Yippie we won 1st... Did i mention it? Then after that, Aidah, Andrea, Melanie and me went to Northpoint to eat BK (Burger King)... Too bad Nini did not join us... =( It would be fun with you =) And in class... Watever me and Nini talk about... It will always turn around and we will start talking about HIM (Adam tat is)... Haha... I think i have written enough... Ciao =) (my new way of saying goodbye)
Ps. I am so sad that i cannot stay with Xin Yi on Saturday =( Haiz... Anyway... I will try to have as much fun as possible =) So sorry arh Xin Yi... Hope you forgive me =)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Then we went back to mama's house and went into the room to play... =) We were screaming too loud until the adults came in... Haha... =) Nothing much after that... wanted to sing 'Fly to your heart', but had no time... Haha =) Then Pet Society still cannot play... Haiz... so bored =) so broke i Pet Society =) Haha... Gotta go... Bye =)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Scott is OUT!!! =)
Ate Nasi Lemak with Andrea, Melanie and Zi Wen... Then we sit and talk at the playground and i took off andrea's shoes and started throwing it around with Zi Wen and Melanie... Haha... It was so fun... Then we changed playground and went to be the other one which was bigger and better... =) We took photos and Melanie showed us part of her Jai Ho 'dance'... Haha... Me and Zi Wen took a short video of her (but i think we deleted it) and it involves alot of screaming and shouting... 'Cause she was trying to snatch the phone... Haha...
Then we accompanied Melanie to find her mother then me and Zi Wen went to the library at Northpoint... We read magazines (not books) and spent almost 30 mins there... Then mummy came and i went home...
I was suppose to bathe but in the end, i fell asleep... Haha... Then when i woke up, it was time for dinner... Then after that, i watched the result for American Idol... OMG... Cant believe Scott is out... Why didn't Simon save him??? He is such a talented guy =) Nothing much really... I prefer to watch the contestent sing then i result show... Amazing that Anoop is still around... =) Haha... =) I doubt he can go so far into the competition... (No offence... He is a good singer too...)
Yay!!! Tomorrow going to AMK hub to watch Confession Of a Shopaholic with the cousins... =) Yay... So excited.... =) Haha... Wanna watch Paul Blart: Mall Cop... =( But i dun think i have the time... Haha... Anyways, I going to talk to Denise already... Haha... =) Bye...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
American Idol day... Whoop Whoop...
Yay, tomorrow is Sports Day... Wish me luck... Woo hoo, tomorrow the results for AI is out... Hope Scott or Anoop will not be in the bottom 3... =) I think maybe i not going to write too much cause a little bored... =) Haha... Bye...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Listening to Tracks of my tears by Adam Lambert =) What a genius... =) Yay!!! Tomorrow is American Idol... I am supporting Scott, Lil' and Adam... Haha... Wow, just checked a American Idol survey and most people don't really like Scott... Hmmm... I wonder why... =) Just to let you know... I don't even know why am I so 'crazy' over American Idol this time round... Haha... Maye because of such talented singers??
Thursday is Sports Day... Yay!!! I'm running and jumping... Running for RED house, 4 X 100m and jumping for long jump... =) Haha... But i also feel a little irritated because of a certain someone... ARGH!!! =) Won't let that person spoil my mood... =) I just uploaded My Melody... Haha...
Another thing that you should check out in YouTube is Skype Laughter Chain... You will laugh your ass of man... =) Check it out and tell me what you think of it... Gotta run... Bye...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
We (well, actually it was me... Haha) did not want to leave cause it was so much fun then we realised that we were suppose to be making our way to the stadium... So we rushed! But dunno why when we walking, Me, Kulvin And Nini started singing songs... When we reached the stadium, we saw Yao Ming... I dunno whether should i say what i am thinking or must I wait for andrea's permission... To play safe, i will ask Andrea... I am not such a horrible friend okay... =) I sweet, innocent and kind... (I doubt so... Haha)
I just realised what a great singer Adam Lambert is... Haha... Actually he's quite handsome you know.. But too bad he's gay... But, hey, dun look down on gay people okay? They are the best friends you can have... (no offence to anyone) if i can find a very nice picture of him, i will post it up... =) Hehe... Anyway, I always look forward to Friday... I dunno why... =) Yay!!! Tmr going to have mass lecture with 2C (not the 2C part, but we are going to learn new chapter... haha... No, not sexual reproduction...) Gotta go.. Bye!
Ps. Talking to Dawn jie jie on hotmail!!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
This was the very tastey cupcake that I bake with Ning Xia without teacher's help =)
Ps. I didn't know that Sports Day is next Thursday... Haha... I'm lagging.... Wah lao.... They took out the event (C girls long jump)... Not fair i was planning to win it this year!!!! Just because short of people... They should just drag some people out and let them try!!!! ARGH!!!!