Before that, (as in starting of the day...) maths was okay, I was a little bit dozing off cause watever Miss Isma said, did not go in... However, Mr Ho did teach me and I understand it a little bit... Haha... So i'm not really lacking behind... So after that, It was Mdm 'Funky' Chen as we like to call her that last year... I got 80??? for my music test (which is an A... I didn't even know my music is that good... I tot I would fail... Honestly!!!) so me, Joey, Nini and Kulvin slacked, talking about... You-know-who (eh, eh)... So then it was english, Mdm Pan came in and started to stare at us, and I think she was angry with us (some how or rather)... So we didn't really had fun in school...
So it was History, finish the chapter and now I think we will be revising... Then it was Mother Tongue... Kulvin stayed in class and Andrea was 'mad'... Haha... Mr Chua showed us that he can write a compo using the computer in 5 mins but he did it in 10... Haha... PAI SEH!!! Then it was Art, we started on our Art exam, I was quite happy how mine turned out to be... going to try to finish it tmr... Haha... I think I have to get on with the online History Quiz... Which is worth 20% of our CA1 marks... Wish me all the best... =P Ciao... Haha...
Anyway, this is Jack Kahuna Laguna (voice of Johnny Depp)
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