Recess I ate Pandan Cake and 'Lo Mai Kai'... So the weird thing is, just before we went up the stairs, Qing Huang stopped right in front of me and bend down, so my hand accidentally bum into his ass and he maked a scene out of it, saying that I molested him and that I touch his ass on purpose, like as if I have so much time to actually go around touching people's ass!!!
So English, Mdm Pan didn't come, Yay!! But Miss Isma took over... Boo!! Then Jun Hong came to relief our class for CLOVES 1 and everyone was a little 'excited'??? Then he told us about his family, touching story though.. So sad... Art went pretty well, Andrea, Kulvin and me were like talking for the whole time, but I did finish some work... But I dun think Andrea did!!!
Then after school, go 'chase' Bryan for my 80 cents!!! He say why must chase him for the money??? 80 cents only wad... Hey!! Mind you but 80 cents is also money ok??? Then I was so happy I finally have all my money back!! Hehe... So I level-ed up in Pet Society and I now have 5 rooms... Haha... =) Should visit my house... Cute!!! (NOT bragging!!! But you should really see it!!)
Daddy going for a wedding (it think) over the weekends so mummy promised me that we will go downtown to buy a new wallet (for ME!!!) Eeeee... So excited... Haha... Wanting one so badly... How long has it been??? =P Haha... Finally can have one... Yeah... I think maybe buying for The Wallet Shop... 'cause that's were jie jie buy hers!!! Hehe... Anyway, announcing again, tomorrow is American Idol... *Giggling* Yeah!! Anoop's out, (sorry Kulvin) but anyway, the only one left to actually support is Adam!!! Hehe... Byeee~
Here is Bolt!! So cute right?? Feel like putting his pic... Hehe... Was listening to I thought I lost you!!! So nice right?? Haha... Kor kor, I finally got the song!!! John Travolta is good... =) Bolt is suppose to be a German Shephard... Why is he so small???
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