Woke up early. Changed. 5 minutes to 8. Got mummy out of the house quickly. Drove down to Shannon's house. 7.59am. Yay! I'm not late. Shannon & Zabeta was about to get in the car. Said bye to Mummy. She drove off. I got into the car. Shannon's dad driving is mad. Mad as in fast mad, not mad mad. Drove to Lauren's house. Thought that we could leave for the station after we got Lauren. They said we were waiting for someone. I thought it was Mary. But Rosie appeared instead. (: . Walked to the Train Station. I forgot which one. Saw Miranda. Got no idea who that was. Then she said she was waiting for a new girl. Oh! Could be jie jie. Turns out, it was. But she was 2 stops away from jie jie. Sms-ed Mummy. Jie jie took the train to meet her friend. Me, Lauren, Zabeta, Shannon & Rosie took the train all the way to Flinders' Street. It was raining. I got no umbrella. Shared with Zabeta. Walked all the way to the 'Eiffel Tower' which is the Melbourne Arts Centre. Saw some teachers on the way in. Directed us to Door 1. Where we enter from. Starting soon. The orchestra started playing. Not bad. They explained somethings to us. Years 7, 8 and 9 turn to get up on stage. Quite a mess. Everyone's in position. I'm blocked by the front person. Yay. Have to go back to our seats and get back up one stage. Dang. 2nd time on stage. Started singing. Done singing. Have to sing another time. Dang again. Our turn is done. The Years 10, 11 and 12 turn to get up on stage and sing. Did the exact same thing as us. No connection inside the theatre. Lauren said that they are afraid that it might screw up the sound system and shit. Lame excuse. :P . Everyone starts to get out at the same time. Major human traffic jam. Got to have the teachers direct us. Got out safely. Waited outside for jie jie to appear. She's no where to be seen. Shit. Tried to call her. No connection again. Decided to follow them for lunch. It's cold, wet and I have no umbrella. I don't want to go with them for lunch. Spotted jie jie!. She's half-way up the escalator. I'm the second batch because the teacher stopped us from going up all at once. Met jie jie at the top. She's outside waiting with Emily. Trying to find me also. WOO!!!. I'm here. I ran up to her. She says she want to go back. Yay. I tell my friends. See them later. They went off for lunch into the city. I'm waiting for Daddy, Mummy & Kor kor.
Daddy & Mummy can't find us. Keep calling. We are near 100 cent cafe. Not 100%. Juan Lin is there. I looked at her. She looked back at me. She's coming over. She talks to jie jie. Waiting for our parents together. Apparently, her mum is on the way to pick her. She tells me, I must get the double single bed and not the bunk bed next year in boarding. I shall listen to her. Waited inside for my Daddy & Mummy to come pick us. Wanted Subway. Decides to have Red Rooster instead, It's still raining. Ran into the building. Ordered the Chicken Nugget. It's nice. And a bottle of Sprite. Get to out table. Started eating. Decided to get Cold Pasta. Went to queue. Saw 4 guys surrounding the counter. With the spoilt cash register. Decided to wait. Got the pasta already. Got back to the table. Shit. It's a little spicy. Drank my Sprite. SHIT. It's spicier because of the gas from the Sprite. Shake all the gas out of the bottle. Put my mouth over the top of the bottle opening. Inhales. Chokes. Laughs. Ask jie jie to do the same. Puts her mouth over the top of the bottle opening. Inhales. Chokes. Laughs. Am 100% high on Sprite gas because I cannot stop laughing. Ate finish. Threw away the garbage and ran back to the car. Still laughing. Pumped gas for the car. Got down with Mummy, read some magazines. Wanted to buy Kinder Egg. Decided not to. Will have another lecture if I do. Daddy wants to buy Berry Bliss or whatever it is called. Too late. Mummy paid. Got back into the car. Came into the house. Was freezing cold. Pee-d. And started to blog. Woo. It's a very very very long post today. Gotta go. Bye.
Ps. It's a very long one today. (:

Pps. Am pokin' kor kor. With a retarded face on. Hah!
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