I was thinking. This week past very quickly, in fact, the whole term!! (: Science Practical was DIFFICULT! ): I didn't know how to do and all the readings were weird!! Asked Mr. Moon about the swimming trials next Tuesday. I asked him, "So, does that mean that we (me & Joy) don't have to go for swimming trials next week?" He was like, "If I were you, I wouldn't bother to." Then I was like, "So... I don't have to go?" He was like, "Yea, sure." In my mind, I'm like "YAHHHHHHH! I DONT HAFTA GO FOR SWIMMING TRIALLLSSSS!!! ^^ WHOOPEEDOO~" Haha, no joke.
2 more weeks 'till the holidays begins. Can go shopping! ^^ Hehe, not that there is not enough shopping, I wanna shop MORE! I tell you what I look forward in the next few weeks.
Tomorrow (Friday): Science test. [Don't ask me why. i must be mad! ^^] I am actually looking forward to it. And also, the movie that we get to continue to watch in English. Midsummer Nights' Dream. I tell you, it's goooood~ Oberon is SEX-AYYYY! ^^ haha, joking. Just sexy. ^^ [Don't mind me.]
Damn, there is nothing I am looking forward the next week. I WAS looking forward to swimming trials but after a while, I don't feel like it. Oo! There is a 听写 (chinese dictation) next week. I am looking forward to it too. I guess??
Next next week (Monday): DANCE OFF! * I have yet to buy the tickets, so.. I think there might be enough tickets. I WANNA WATCHHH! ^^
(Tuesday): Community Action to ELC again. Gonna bring some stuff for the little kids. I think. And bring my camera, AGAIN, to get some pictures. Hopefully.
(Thursday): Chinese test. I must be mad. ^^
(Friday): The last day of the termmmmm! (: Yay!
My annoying BROTHER keeps peeping over on what I am posting. Cheh! GO AWAYYYY! So I am gonna go do my Geog and stuff. =,= HOMEWORRKKK! Toodles~

My annoying BROTHER keeps peeping over on what I am posting. Cheh! GO AWAYYYY! So I am gonna go do my Geog and stuff. =,= HOMEWORRKKK! Toodles~
I take some wicked photos don't I?? ^^ David Jones in the city. Pretty building~
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