School was normal I guess? Had singing practice today. Was okay. Had it in our form class. Was laughing so much (for once). They all were goofing around. So Mel & Sophie taught us the dance moves and stuff. Just clicking and bobbing around. Had to kneel down at the end. Performance on Friday. Excited!!
Lunch with the normal gang. Sat beside Bec. She's gonna go 40hr famine soon. No talking. I would totally sponsor her. Everyone would. I would tell her, I would sponsor her if she stops talking for a day. HAHAHAH! Impossible! She even had trouble not talking for 2 minutes! At the end of a minute. She was like, "Yay! 2 minutes is over already! I can talk!" and I was like, "It's only been a minute." Followed by a Oh. HAHAHAAHHA! Gonna go do my work like a good girl. (RIGHT DADDY!! How do you like my new blogskin? Did you got the poll by the side?? >>> ^^) Toodles~
Ps. Have to reply Andrea I suppose.

Me and Oh Xin Xin. Woooo! So 'chio' right us? WAHAHAHAHAH!
WOAH WOAHH! Who is that handsome boyyyy? OH YANG YANGGGG!*
* I'm wearing something okay? I'm not NAKED! (:
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