Going to do my homework in a short while. I'm eating an orange. Mad hungry. ): And it's suppeerr SOUR! Don't like it. HAVE to finish it. So stuffing my face with a super sour orange. +.+

Ps. OHHHHH! Tmr is Year 9 singing, we are participating. Wish us loads of luck!!!
Pps. The duckies in the Carribean (??) Market. CUTEEE! Haha, It's copyrighted, You cant steal it! It's at the bottom of the picture. You can't really see it, neither can I. Only with a magnifying glass I presume.
Pps. The duckies in the Carribean (??) Market. CUTEEE! Haha, It's copyrighted, You cant steal it! It's at the bottom of the picture. You can't really see it, neither can I. Only with a magnifying glass I presume.

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